My Cardio 4 Life

CardioForLife - Arginine

Monday, December 16, 2013

Humbled by Bethlehem

Last night we walked around the crowded narrow streets of Bethlehem.   It seemed all of humanity was represented there.  Street vendors competed to get your attention, the tax collector could  be heard arguing with those who had come to register and pay their taxes, Roman Centurions stood erect at every corner, a beggers cup rattled as he cried out "Alms for the poor!"  The smell of fresh baked bread filled the air.  Donkeys and goats and geese and camels were ever present.  And Shepards ran hither and yon shouting for people to come and see the babe that the Angels had proclaimed to be the Messiah!  Some of the crowd mocked and scoffed at the news the shepherds were telling of while others could be heard whispering amongst themselves.  Excitement filled the air for sure and as we passed the King David Inn -which the innkeeper told us was full - following the star overhead we entered the stable/cave where we were saw for ourselves the Christ-child in the manger!

We haven't traveled to Israel this Christmas but had the opportunity to experience  Main Street of Bethlehem in a very real way!  The town of Burnet, TX just 60 miles northwest of Austin brings the ancient city of Bethlehem to life the first two weekends in December each year.  The idea was the dream of Frankie and Norman Leftwich who envisioned construction an exact replica of the ancient town of Bethlehem. He insisted that it be authentic to the very smallest detail.  The actors - some 150+ - create an atmosphere that is totally unrehearsed in which the visitor experiences ancient Bethlehem.  It is the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed. Here is a link to the event and and if you are making a "bucket list"  consider adding this to your list!  :  Main Street Bethlehem 

On a less serious note: We took 3rd Place in the Sunset RV Christmas decorating contest!  We had lots of fun putting our display together!  

Now it is on to wrapping packages and baking cookies- this is the time of the year I miss not having an oven but my little NuWave counter top model is doing a decent job. I just have to make smaller batches!  A hot cup of hot chocolate (maybe with a little Baileys Irish Cream) and I can almost imagine the snow gently falling outside somewhere up north!  :)

Have a very Bear-y Christmas! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!

December 1st!  Time to start thinking about decorating the Christmas tree and stringing up the outside lights.  Can't wait to get started because it is 71 degrees out and the ground isn't frozen which should lend to a reasonably pleasant experience!  However, it does seem a wee bit strange and well - oohhh I can't believe I am even thinking this - I almost miss the pine trees and snow!  Guess I need to go for a walk and get this "snow" notion out of my head.  Hahaha!

The weather has been wet, then unseasonably warm and humid, then back to record breaking lows and now on to seasonal warm! So, like the northern climate you need to dress in layers - just not so many layers!  This afternoon I was admiring a wild rose bush that is in full bloom down by the campground office.  Gotta love Texas in December!
Corte Family Ranch, Devine, TX

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year!  We spent the day in Devine, Texas just southwest of San Antonio with Dusty and Amy and the kids and a whole bunch of Amy's family at the family hunting ranch.  The day was beautiful and we all enjoyed a full bounty of Thanksgiving fare outside on the porch.  The pond in the photo was loaded with catfish so we all walked down after dinner to watch as the feeder went off.  The fish that did appear at the surface were huge!  I would hate to meet one on a dark shadowy night! With tummies full of turkey and dressing and pecan pie,  we headed home but not before being handed several big bags of one of my favorite Texas fall treats - fresh lemons from a tree in Popo's backyard. (Popo is the name that Amy's grandfather and the patriarch of the family is loving known as.) Boy! Do they ever make good lemonade!  I haven't tried a lemon pie yet but it is on my agenda in the next day or so!

Just before Thanksgiving we decided one morning to go see our friends Mike and Marilyn who live in Rockport, TX (just north along the coast from Corpus Cristi, TX).  What a gorgeous place!  We hit a perfect "chamber of commerce" day the first day we were there and had a wonderful time riding our bikes along the harbor and through the funky and colorful streets of Rockport.  Before the day was over we had ridden 15 miles!  We were energized by the fresh sea air and sunshine but early the next morning I felt a little like we had ridden to Alaska and  back!  (Which only emphasized the need to do get into better shape!)
One of the highlights of the visit was the daily 8AM trip to the local donut shop to meet up with a gang of snowbirds and locals who gather to partake of donuts and coffee every morning and of course try to solve the problems of the world.  Although I don't think we got any problems solve, perhaps on purpose!  What a fun group and we are looking forward to visiting again!

Nani celebrated her sixth birthday just before Thanksgiving so we all gathered for lunch and cake down in San Antonio at Gramma Mama's house.  What fun to be able to be there for her birthday and how precious the hugs are.  Dusty and Amy served up some pretty tasty brisket for lunch.  Seems they have been working on their technique and in my opinion they have nailed it!  Yummy!  

Tomorrow we are heading out to do our Christmas shopping.  (We weren't brave enough to join the crowds on black Friday!)  We pray that your Christmas season will be a blessed one and that as you gather with family and friends you experience the great LOVE that our LORD and Savior has for each and everyone of you!  We miss you all and will be thinking of you!     Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!