Bridge over Lake Livingston |
It is official! Our official domain is now Livingston, Texas which qualifies us to call ourselves Texans. We are still proud of our Wyoming roots so have adopted the moniker of Wyo-Texans! What two better states could we claim!
We drove over to Livingston, Texas just before Christmas to join the Escapees RV Club. As an "Escapee" (AKA - "SKP") we use their mail service address as our permanent address, they handle all our mail and we are free to wander or should I say 'escape'! So jot this down - 191 Rainbow Drive #9114, Livingston, TX 77399-1091 - and update your address book one last time!
Now we are waiting for January to be over and praying for spring to get here! Yup! that's our porch and no we did not paint it white! Mother Nature surprised the Austin area on Monday with a blanket of snow gently placed atop a solid sheet of ice! Yikes! I think dealing with 2 feet of snow is easier and not as dangerous for sure. Seems the last time they had snow around here that accumulated was seven years ago or something like that! The only redeeming factor is that two days before it snowed we were out and about running errands in 75 degree temps and it is supposed to be up in that range by Friday!
Let me introduce you to Free Spirit Jewelry Designs. I needed to find a way to earn extra traveling money and find a craft that would fit well with the limited space we have in our "house on wheels" so I decided to try the art of jewelry making.
These are a few of the pieces I have made so far. I'm combining crochet with beads in a lot of my pieces. If you are interested in buying any of these pieces email me and I will send you better pictures more info.
Randy is busy making a tree house for some critters but it's not finished so I can't share a pix yet. That's a teaser for another blog :)
Since the weather is blustery and windy outside and the coffee is hot I think it is a good day to snuggle up in my recliner chair and watch a movie. Gotta love the free spirit that comes with being retired. Although I am getting anxious to get back to work. April 1st will be heading up to the Fort Collins Lakeside KOA to be work kampers this summer. But for now... maybe even a nap is in order! Love y'all!