My Cardio 4 Life

CardioForLife - Arginine

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Improvements/RV Style

We are finally "skirted and decked"!  I was amazed today at how colorful our little home looked  - the sky and the skirting  almost match!  I really didn't plan it that way but I believe it just might be God's way of putting His touch on our new home!  It reminds me of the blue that we chose for our wedding color so long ago!  
The deck is wonderful and I love being able to have a place to decorate just a little.  Makes it feel like home for sure! 
Can't wait to put some Christmas lights on the deck and the pine tree out behind our trailer!  Can't give up all the fun of "decking the halls" just because our home is on wheels. 
The next thing we need to do is finish insulating the water so it doesn't freeze. Kind of hard to think to much about it when it is 85+ degrees out but anyone who has lived in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado knows that Fall can bring pretty sudden changes in temps.  So as ridiculousness as it may seem today it would be easier to do it now and not wait until it is 20 degrees and snowing which could happen any day!

The space up under the hitch (front) of the trailer - now that it is enclosed - is like adding an extra room.  Now all we need to do is resist the inclination to fill it with "stuff" that we really don't need! The first thing to go in will be our freezer! Yep!  We bought 1/2 a beef in May not thinking that our house would sell so fast. After that - it is any ones guess what will end up under there! 

Another task we have discovered that we need to do is rearrange the storage shed!  Ugh!  Seems things that we had planned on being up front so we could get to them were quickly buried by all that "last minute - just put it in the shed because I'm to tired to deal with it" stuff.  I'm pretty sure we may have another load to go to the Good Will Store! 

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